Greetings from sunny Florida. It has been in the 80s since we got here and I don't miss the cold one little bit! This bird was enjoying our neighborhood the other day by stopping at each front door in our cluster. She was even kind enough to let me take some pictures.
three raggy throws for my grandchildren
four purses - three to give away and one to keep for myself
seven cosmetic bags - for gifts
two sets of placemats for gifts
seven sets of coasters for gifts
a set of mug rugs for a gift
We had a family "Thanks-mas" the first weekend in December. Both of my sons and their families came for a holiday celebration. Since they both have jobs that require them to often work on holidays (and this year was no exception) it was the only time we had to get together. A great time was had by all....and I even got some dies for my GO cutter that I wanted from my hubby.
I did have a set back that threw me for a loop. I had an eye problem (vitreous detachment) in one eye. Unfortunately, it was in my "good" eye and my vision has been slightly impaired. Right now I am trying to rest my eyes as my "poor" eye has been trying to take on more of the work and thus is getting tired more easily. Hopefully all will balance out. I have a wonderful doctor who went the extra mile and found me a doctor here in FL who will handle my case while we are here.
I was so upset when this happened because I didn't want to spoil our trip. We had been looking forward to coming to FL for months. My hubby is going to have the opportunity to spend some time with his brother whom he hasn't seen in about five years. His sister also has a place near ours and it was planned to be a family reunion of a sorts. I do miss quilting every day but I found that if I take it easy, I can do some work. I have some projects in mind. I even brought my little Janome sewing machine with me.
I do have some good news though. Our Block of the Month quilt is hanging in Serendipity Quilt Shop. Check out the shop link to get a look at the quilt. We will also be having another great announcement in the near future featuring one of our other designs.....check out Pat's blog or mine to see a picture of the quilt.
Well, I am going to get off the computer as I need to take a little break...I will try to get more posts done in the near future.
Happy Quilting
Well, welcome back to FL and the sunny days! Hope your eye improves quickly, and you can do some sewing. Sounds as if you got plenty done between Lancaster and your travels south. Merry Christmas.
It's good to have you back! Love the picture, and it sounds like you had a wonderful time. I hope your eye gets better soon!
Glad you're enjoying my beautiful state! I hope your eye improves quickly.
I popped over to your quilt shop web site. Your BOM is wonderful. Love the colors!
Happy Holidays!
Welcome to FL! A friend just told me of temps around the 30's in Louisiana, and trust me I'm happy with my own comfy snow free Gulf FL temps. Take care.
I'll look forward to our visit...seems so far off but I think the time will pass quickly once we hit the end of January!
I just saw your comments about your eye problems. I'm also struggling. Isn't it amazing the effect your vision difficulties have on your physical well being and your entire life? I, also, am looking forward to a resolution. I'm hoping to get in on a cancellation appointment to speed things up. I've been dealing with this for 6 months and just recently discovered it was based in my eyes.
Take it easy, the surgery will help!!! Thinking of you.
I see you are going to be enjoying the mild Florida winter. We have lived in Florida a long time. I miss snow at Christmas time.....but only at Christmas.
Sounds like you have been very busy. Your quilts are beautiful and I love the colors. I would love for you to join me at www.sewcraftykathy.blog spot.com
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