- Relax
- A fan helps. Even with the air conditioner it gets hot holding all that fabric in this 90 degree weather we have been having lately. I sat with the fan sitting near the a/c vent with the fan blowing on me
- Start with a meandering or an easy flow pattern. I started with some straight line quilting and I found it hard to stay in line while I was learning to handle the bulk (the perfectionist that I am )
- It takes more thread than one would think....especially when one rips out
- The clips to keep the quilt in a roll are nice but they do tend to get caught on edges of the table - I finished the quilt without them and just rolled the quilt.
- I kept a lot of the bulk on my lap as I was quilting. The table behind the machine kept a lot of the rest.
- I turned the speed on my machine slower. It was easier to control.
- The super slider (teflon) sheet really helps when moving the fabric through.
- Once I got the hang of it, it really didn't take that long.
Today my quilting buddy and I did demos at Serendipity Quilt Shop. It was a lot of fun to show the GO cutter to customers. We will be returning on Wednesday morning for more demos and sharing. and having a class on August 8th to make a fall wall hanging. If you look closely on the table top, you can see the red, white, and blue hanging that we designed especially for the shop. Kathy, the owner, gave it free to those who attended the demo and bought the fabric pack. She has a few left to sell.
Over the last week or so, I learned to machine applique (an old dog can learn new tricks)....I am a needle turn applique person so this was a new experience for me. For this little hanging I used a GO applique die..then I used a decorative stitch on my machine to go around the shape. The eyes, nose, and mouth were made from other decorative stitches. My 9 year old grand daughter is here this week and she is making one like it with hand stitches and buttons....when hers is done, I'll have to post a picture. The hanging is 6 x 10
Hubby is building some new cubbies for my sewing area so my room is a great big mess. Now he says that he thinks he will go ahead and remove the carpeting and put down a new floor (I have been wanting this for a couple of years). So I guess my quilting will be rather hap hazard over the next couple of weeks. I told him it needs to be done before company comes in August...hope it is! I hate having the berber carpeting. I can't hear pins drop (and I drop a lot!) and they always seem to get caught in the carpet.
Have a great summer day....I am
Congrats on learning machine applique! I hope you liked it.
I'm sure you and Pat had a great time at the quilt shop today demo'ing the GO. There isn't anything like seeing it in person.
Nice feeling to get those two quilts so much closer to completion. Sounds as if the machine quilting clicked for you once you tamed a couple of challenges. Your GO is sure making your quilting life interesting! Nice job on the machine applique.
That is a nice way to control a large top. Great hints too.
It looks like you and Pat had fun demonstrating the GO. So glad to know that an old dog can learn new tricks. There is hope for me.
I had found myself fascinated with your last post and that picture of the rolled quilt. I couldn't figure out how you handled it at it came towards you, did you sit to the side and let the roll part come through? I'd love to do larger quilts, but it's intimidating.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Kathy!!! Will see you tomorrow when we do Day #2 of our demos!!! I think I want to make a pumpkin hanging like yours, too.
Looks like you've been busy quilting, wonderful tips. Your applique pumpkin is adorable!
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