Oranges and yellows are supposed to be two of the hardest fabrics to quilt with...for some reason I have gotten into an orange phase...which follows my purple phase ....which follows my blue phase...get the idea?
Anyway, I have been doing a lot with orange lately. I even got my hubby to paint the bathroom orange. Here is a little wall hanging I whipped up for the bathroom. I am working on a couple of other little ones now, too.
I have also been dealing with browns and tans...The bed quilt I am working on now has golds, tans, greens, reds, and blacks...
One time I attended a workshop conducted by an art therapist who said that you could tell a child's mood by the colors the child chose...hmmm... what do my color choices say about me?
I don't know how much stock to put into the therapist's knowledge though. She gave a big speech about children who do not put curtains on their windows in their pictures...they want people to look inside them...If my kids were to have drawn pictures at that time, they might have had windows with no curtains. We lived on the edge of town and had no curtains on our kitchen and dining room windows. The windows were two stories high and had a great view of the woods and river. She also said that kids who draw airplanes dropping bombs have some inner angers which they are having trouble expressing...what third or fourth grade boy hasn't done that kind of a picture? So much for theories.
I did read once that colors do impact is calming....students react differently to teachers who wear black than to those who wear bright is often used in fast food restaurants so people will eat quickly....
What do you think about color?
I don't know about all those theories, I pick colors because they are pleasing to the eye. Some people are better than others putting colors together. My views about color have changed dramatically since I became a Quilter
I've heard so many of the same things. I LOVE oranges! There was a book out (which I read with interest) about color choices. We all enjoyed it at work. You are just working the color wheel - purple, blue to orange. Right?
I also worked in a hospital that had a redo and it was all in shades of yellows to reds. It did not last long as they decided that people did not heal well with those colors and redid it in blues and greens.
My kids would have been seriously analyzed too!!!
As a teenager, I had my bedroom in orange and yellow. Now I prefer greens and blues. I do like your little wall-hanging, though, and must get over there to see your new quilt rack and your orange bathroom. (You should show your quilt rack on your blog.)
I think orange is a fun color but it is hard to work with. Yellow is my very favorite color. So cheerful and pretty. But also hard to use. But I keep trying.
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