Friday, May 1, 2009

quiet night

I am having a lovely quiet night while hubby is out doing his theater thing...

I am reading a book sent by a friend about the history of quilting. It was published by the University of Nebraska where they have an International Quilt Study Center and Museum... It is called American Quilts in the Modern Age 1870-1940...I love traditional quilts and the history of quilts. My friend's hubby is a librarian and when he saw this book he knew it would be just up my alley...It has wonderful pictures of quilts and stories behind many of them including a lot of information on dating quilts and fabric. My friend and I laughed because I was once told that a course I proposed about quilting wasn't "academic enough" to be included in a series of seminar courses... the old boy's club thought quilting was just a little woman's past-time that didn't take much thinking!!!! ( I even told them that there are graduate programs in fiber arts that focus on quilting...but no luck!) Their loss


Pat said...

Glad you have such an interesting book to enjoy tonight....with the eariler downpours, it's a good night to curl up with a good book. Enjoyed talking to you this afternoon.


I would like to know what your book has to say about signature quilts.