The spring weather is really energizing me- yesterday I was out weeding in my flower garden, checking out the sprouts that are coming up. Tulips, daffodils, and crocus are starting to peek through - some have buds on them. The rose bushes are beginning to get leaves and some of the other perennials are starting to show. Today it is supposed to be even nicer outside so I am trying to get my inside work done early.
Yesterday I went to my quilt guild meeting. Our speaker was very inspirational. Even though she does a lot of art quilts and I am more interested in traditional blocks, it was great to hear her thoughts.
I also committed to the guild UFO challenge - for you non-quilters, UFOs are unfinished projects that seem to hide on shelves and drawers. I committed to finishing a quilt that I started in 1980....yes, 1980. It was the first big quilt I started. It was done except for quilting around the edges and putting a binding on it. It was cut by templates (no rotary cutting back then), hand pieced, and hand quilted. Boy, can I see how much I have learned since that project.... My excuse was that we were in the process of building a new house and I was working with two little kids and going back to school for my master's so it got put aside. No excuses now!!
The other UFOs that I plan to finish are 2 projects made from "orphan blocks" (blocks left over from other projects or blocks made to try a pattern). I don't know how I will use them but I will figure out something.
Also I am going to make something from 2 vintage blocks - these are blocks that I rescued when we cleaned out the old family home - as best as I can tell they are blocks that were made by my grandmother or my aunt Gladys. My grandmother passed away in 1949 and my aunt passed away in 1975. I know my aunt hadn't worked on quiting for ages and by the look of the fabric I can guess the fabric is circa 1950 + or - ten years. I also have pieces of a crazy quilt kimono. I found an old diary of my aunt's that talks about making it in 1939. There are also bunches of embroidered squared - mostly flowers and children's designs that are crying to be used in something. I just have to decide how to best showcase these heirloom pieces.
We heard from our publisher - we are now at the stage in the book where we do galley proofs, etc. Tedious.
Well, must get busy...the day is not getting any longer!
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