Last week we were very busy so we weren't home very much. Sunday night, hubby and I walked across the dining room floor and found it was buckled...then he opened the furnace closet...water all over the floor. We searched and searched for a source of the water...could it be coming from the roof? NO...the water heater NO...vents NO..cleaned it up and frustrated finally went to bed exhausted. Couldn't sleep so early in the morning I checked the closet again...water! I got a sickening feeling and checked the closet in the living room that backs up to the dining room...the carpet was soaked so I had to pull everything out of the closet floor...grandkids toy basket, box of "yard sale" stuff, etc. We cleaned up again and I left my hubby to deal with it while I went to the guild meeting since there was nothing else I could do about the water...when I returned he had good news and bad news....he found the source of the water. The ice maker in the fridge had been leaking, evidently for a while. When he pulled the fridge out, a big puddle was under it. We never saw any water on the kitchen floor must have been soaking through the seams of the hardwood flooring....a call to the insurance company and a short time later we had workers at the house with fans, dehumidifiers, and mold prevention spray. They had to rip up parts of the dining room and kitchen was amazing water was puddled under the floorboards. They determined that the whole floor will need to be replaced which is quite a job since the same floor runs throught the kitchen, dining room, hallway, and entryway. Needless to say, we are going to buy a new fridge! The insurance company will pick up the tab for the new floor, wall repair, and painting except for our deductible and we will live with a mess for a couple of weeks. Here is a before picture of part of the mess...will keep you posted.
I'm so sorry you are having this big headache of a house problem BUT I'm glad your insurance company seems to be on top of things.
Wow, what a mess to deal with. So many things can go wrong without out knowing it. Glad you caught it when you did and that your insurance company is taking care of you.
Bummer. Glad you found the problem and the insurance is covering it. Have fun fridge shopping.
Water messes are the worst! Hope you get it all fixed up again soon!
wow Cathy, that's a shame but Thank God you found it when you did. What a mess, but the good thing is the insurance. Imagine the cost without the insurance. Some people don't realize how imp. Home Owners ins is, a good policy covers things we don't even realize
I hope you are geting things back in order. Water messes are the worst kind.. I am so sorry. Hope the loss wasn't too great.
Happy Mother's Day. :-)
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