Wednesday, March 18, 2009

been busy

I know it's been quite a while since I sat down to post or even visit the blogs I follow. I tried to get caught up today...and was so impressed with what everyone has been doing. I didn't take much time to comment but sure enjoyed the visits.

So here is what I've been up to...I was away for a couple of days then had my son and grandson visit for a day. It was wonderful to have them and even PopPop had fun! They love to play trains...note the Thomas shirt. Wish we had stock in that company.

I worked quite a few days and then we spent a couple of days visiting landscape companies to get estimates on a patio we'd like to put in the back yard....there are so many decisions. I so love flowers and being outdoors.

I haven't done much quilting because I broke my glasses and had to have them replaced. As a result, I had to wear ones with an old prescription and they didn't work very well for close-up work.

We got our taxes done....ouch!

Hubby is in the next theater production of the Second Street Players (Milford, DE) titled Jake's Women. He plays Jake. He has been involved in community theater for years first in PA with the Winding River Players where he did everything from board member to tickets to tech to lead roles. He joined the Second Street Players shortly after we moved to DE. He's been in three shows here but this next role is his biggest. We spent one day working on the set for the upcoming production.

Soooo ..that is the Reader's Digest version of my life lately!

Thanks to all who sent messages about my friend. She is holding her own.

1 comment:

Pat said...

Remember to keep me updated about the dates of the play...because a few of us were thinking of going to see it. CUTE picture of the "train engineers". :)