Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Children's tea

This children's set is one that I picked up at a thrift shop. I know it's not antique but I thought the cups were cute. They are marked Japan and I guess that they probably are from the 50s or 60s by the way that Japan is stamped on the bottom.

The other pictures have dishes most of which I know are old. (1920s -1950s) I know the children's furniture was from the 1920s or early 30s.
I am still working on my Grandmother's Flower Garden quilt...the flowers are done and I am now working on the white fence around the flowers...will have pictures soon.
Don't forget the Tea Party on Friday...Usually afternoon tea is held between 3 and 5 pm...I scheduled mine for 2 - at least that is when Pat is coming. We will probably talk quilts and then have tea and then talk quilts some more...

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