We looked and there were goldfish crackers all over the living room floor so being the nana that I am, I started sweeping them up. I remembered that I had turned my cell phone off while I was at work Thursday night so I turned it back on. No sooner was it on that my son called and asked where we were. We told him we were standing in their living room and he informed us that our daughter-in-law had taken our grandson to the ER....he had climbed up on top of the kitchen counter reached into the top cabinet and had gotten into his grandfather's medicine.
My grandson and daughter in law had been sitting in the living room waiting for us when he went out to the kitchen (she thought to get his juice cup). When she heard him, she jumped, hit the coffee table and the goldfish went everywhere.
To make a long story short, he was fine. They figured he only got one pill from the container and it was one that probably wouldn't hurt him. However, the doctor monitored him for about three hours before discharging him. I can't say enough good about the
Dupont Children's Hospital
in Wilimington, DE.
They were wonderful. Caring, child friendly, and family friendly too.
My son now bought a lock box for the medicine. Since personal care aides aren't supposed to dispense medicines, they always kept the pills in plastic containers that could be handed to her father so he could take the meds himself, thus they weren't using the child-proof containers. They thought that they had stored the pills in a safe place on the very top shelf. Who would have dreamed that a small child not yet three years old would have been able to get at them? Hopefully, by sharing this, I can help others think about the issue.
We came home after he was discharged and had dinner guests until 12:45 a.m. My hubby cleaned up the dishes and we went to bed. Saturday morning we awoke to find the sink clogged. Hmm, it appears that he put a bunch of stuff down the garbage disposal...perhaps too much! He worked on that and I went to work.
He worked on the drain Saturday and Sunday...do it yourselfer that he is...and finally this morning he relented and called a plumber. Meanwhile, I tried to keep my mouth shut.... no I told you so from me!

i'm so thankful your grandson is okay...how scary...
Oh my goodness...what a scary thing to have happen! I'm so glad that your grandson is ok.
What a scare! I'm so glad that turned out ok. Wow.. you just can't be too careful.
Love your crazy quilt table topper.. so festive and a great way to use up little scraps!
What a scare with your grandson! Yes 3 years olds have all the sense of adventure without any of the sense. My children were very much like that. I had a lock on my cleaning cupboard door too, just in case.
What a lovely table topper. There's a lady in my sewing group who we all give out small scraps to and she turns even the tiniest bit into part of a crazy quilt something which she then sells to help local charities. Nice lady. :-)
Kathy, please have a look at my blog...I have a surprise for you.
I'm relieved that your grandson is okay. What a scary thing. I like your topper. Very nice.
Glad your grandson is okay. Your crazy quilt topper is great. Your comment about how easy it isn't made me laugh. =)
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